hi, this is my blog. it's been around since awhile now, and this is layout #90. this is a welcome message, fyi.
Shanice F
Lynn C.
Kathy N.
Bianca B.
Kyle R.
Judy L.
Sarah H.
Michelle F.
Erikha B.
Anne p.
Jill V.
2009 flys by, well hello 2010
So its like 11:20.. almost a new year :D Every year, i make new resolutions but turns out, i never follow them and they end up failing. Oh well , atleast i can say that i tried. Ahh, just had a fam party.. too bad everyone left so fucking early before 12:00 LOL . What fucking party poopers. Left because they were still sober, and didn't want to get drunk and drive home in this weather LOL . Atleast their being smart about it , rather be safe then sorry right? Hmm.. fun jam though..cousins looked like idoits playing the wii LOL, oh god. I've decided next year, im gonna make some personal changes.. good changes though (: and im hoping to following it . This year been alright, not the best.. but not the worst. I guess i can't expect much, because God plans our road and decides what to do with it. Met so much amazing people, that i'm thankful to have in my life today. I've got the ones i love, and the ones i hate. Overall, this year been fun, not gonna lie. So many fun memories that are running through my head, thinking about them makes me laugh right now acutally ahaha, makes me seem like a weirdo. My 2010 new year resolution: - Not waste time on the people who clearly don't appreciate what they already have. -Saving my times for the important people, not the ones that are their to waste that time. - Block out the haters, standing up strong not letting them get to me..fcuk that bitch(: - Grow more confidence. - Less procasination. - Find out what i want to be when i grow up. - 75 average 8) LOL . - Go fishing/camping LOL. - Go horseback riding. - Do one thing that i fear. - Go back to playing piano, and teaching myself guitar. - Walking away high up. - Making a gift for a special someone. - Develop pictures and place them around my room. - Be more thankful what i have, then asking for more. - To have hope, for that one wish. - Tell the guy that i like, that i do.
Now i know that im not gonna accomplish all of these, but im just hoping that i can or atleast accomplish half of them. It will be a really big step if i did accomplish all of them. Some of these are the hardest thing for me to do, and everyday i struggle to do atleast one of them. If i can't for this following year, theres always next year. Atleast i can say i attempt to try.
ANGERANGERANGER . Blogging is a place to relieve good anger and stress (: HA HAPPY NEW YEARS BITCH, watch da fuck out (: espically for you , next year :D.
your call
Tuesday night , so bored . Instead of hmwking, ill blog so much funnier LOL . Right now , on the phone with anne and shanice yeee (H) . Didn't do much todaay, WAS PLANNING TO START MY HMWK TODAY BUT .. you knoww, theres somthing call procasination took over . Ommgg , LOL . I have to do my math hmwk, and then do my gym cpt =/. AHHHHH i don't wanna do itt ! Anyways , enough abouut school work .. new years is coming up in a couple of days (: LOL YAAAY , 2010= new year = NEW RESOLUTION . I have a couple in my mind right now acutally ahaha. Party @ ma base on thursday, im hoping this new year's was better then last year (yn). Last year, soo gaay! During countdown parents were sleepingg , sister was somewhere in the world.. soo basically just myself LOL. I KNOW RIGHT ? GAAY RIGHT ? im a loserr ahaha. Anywayss kinda wanna go back to school to see everyone, i miss everyone <3 ESPICALLYYY ... secret :) LOL . But defaintly not looking forward to the hmwk loadd , since its cpt time and then like 3 weeks its exams =/ omg. LOL oh well , soft sechdule . Kaay im gonna get back into the phone conversation because i don't know what the fuck there talking about right now LOL soo lost . anywayss , blog later (Y) a.cao
What is the meaning of life/love/friendship?
"Our talents are the gift that God gives to us... What we make of our talents is our gift back to God." "Leo Buscaglia"
"Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow" Unknown writer
"Happiness will fail to come to those who don't appreciate what they already have" Unknown writer
"In three words, i can sum up what i learn about life. It goes on" Robert Frost
"One day your life will flash you eyes, make sure its worth watching" Unknown writer
"There is only one happiness in life, to be loved and to love. George Sand
"Life can only be understood backwards, but must live forward" Soren Kierkegaard
"Where there is love, there is life" Mahatma Gandhi
"Words are easy, like the wind.. but faithful friends are hard to find" Williams Shakespeare
"Be not afraid of going slowly, be afriad of standing still" Chinses proverb
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world" Mahatma Gandhi
"Nothing in life is to be fear, everything is to be understood" Marie Curie
 So today is Christmas ! woot woot :). The day jesus christ was born. Suppose to be cleaning right now, but need a break.. some christmas ! So todaay , got big planss todaay man. First, i gotta remeber to say merry christmas to everyonee!After cleaning and everything, some family friends are visiting ma pops. Which reminds me.. gotta give him my christmas gift to him before they come :D. After gotta, get ready go to toronto.. go to church cause my sister is singing? LOL , thats probably gonna be like 2 hours right derr. After church, go to cousins house and party. (: Gotta remeber today is Jesus's birthday ! Most important day of the year :). Ahh, all thats running through my head right now, is how the hell im i going to finish my gym cpt and other hmwk LOL . SOOOO SLACKING . I could do it now , but nawww (: . Can't do it today, can't do it tomorrow.. out shopping all day :) , can't do it sunday.. party, can't do it monday.. going shopping again with anne and them (: , can't do it tuesday .. got more plans..so right now the only free days are wednesday,thursday.. since friday is new years, and saturday a party again i think ? and sunday.. OHHHHH CRAAAP . sigh, LOL oh well. Ahh lets not think about this todaay , maybe tomorrow.. orr.. never . :D OH SHIT , doorbell.. which means there here D: craaaap ! Can't give daddy his gift yet D: , and gotta go saay hiiiiii ! a.cao <3
Came back from nam's christmas party awhile ago , which was fun (: he has a very nice house btw LOOL . anywayss , its almost christmas (: soo exciting. aahhh , soo tiredd friggen 12:48 am LOL . don't wanna sleep though , but just thinking . im thankful to have all the people i have in my life . even the haters ? sure why not LOL . i love theemm , they make my life today (: . I'm thankful for the people who made me who i am todaaay . They all did it in different waays , which is special rightt ? li dont know where im going with this , but thanks man :D For everyone in maaa life todaaaay , good night sir.
I supposed
HI BLOGGGGER (: . Haven't blog in a while, forgot about it LOL . anywaysss .. borreeeeed christmas breakk whooooo ! christmas break been hellaa fun . no school(: yaaay , just cpt's to doo . ohh well exciting right ? weellll , have nothing to write about. anywayss , gonna go and get ready to anne's house then too nam's christmas party (: woot woot :D laterr <3 a.cao
Creation <3
 So yesterday morning, i woke up and the sun was soo bright, shining through my window. It was a saturday morning, yee trying to sleep in alright but couldn't caaausee the sun was soo friggen bright . SO i was still soo tired, it was like what 8 in the morning? So got out of bed and i was gonna close the drapes or w/e you call them LOL , but then when i look out the window, it was so pretty :) The only reason why the sun was so bright because it was reflecting of the snow, right through my window. I stared at it for like 2 mins but then my eyes started hurting, so fucking birght LOL . One of the reasons why i like winter.. its cause of snow. Snow gives a better look :) It gave my room such a bright colour. Nice creation God made right ? :) I liked the new weather, espically how the sun was brighter due to the snow. But then it ovbisouly didn't last, like atleast 10 mins later the sun dissappear behind a bunch of clouds :( . It was nice while it lasted though <3 a.cao
A walk to remeber.
 (L) Landon:"Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful."
Landon:Are you scared? Jamie:To death.. Jamie:"lighten up" Landon:"Thats not funny. Jamie:"Im scared of not being with you" Landon:"Oh baby, that will never happen... I'll be here."
Landon:"I'm sorry she never got her miracle" Reverned Sullivan:"she did, it was you"
Landon:"Jamie i love you" Landon:"Now would be the time to say somthing" Jamie"I told you not to fall in love with me"
2009 flys by, well hello 2010
So its like 11:20.. almost a new year :D Every year, i make new resolutions but turns out, i never follow them and they end up failing. Oh well , atleast i can say that i tried. Ahh, just had a fam party.. too bad everyone left so fucking early before 12:00 LOL . What fucking party poopers. Left because they were still sober, and didn't want to get drunk and drive home in this weather LOL . Atleast their being smart about it , rather be safe then sorry right? Hmm.. fun jam though..cousins looked like idoits playing the wii LOL, oh god. I've decided next year, im gonna make some personal changes.. good changes though (: and im hoping to following it . This year been alright, not the best.. but not the worst. I guess i can't expect much, because God plans our road and decides what to do with it. Met so much amazing people, that i'm thankful to have in my life today. I've got the ones i love, and the ones i hate. Overall, this year been fun, not gonna lie. So many fun memories that are running through my head, thinking about them makes me laugh right now acutally ahaha, makes me seem like a weirdo. My 2010 new year resolution: - Not waste time on the people who clearly don't appreciate what they already have. -Saving my times for the important people, not the ones that are their to waste that time. - Block out the haters, standing up strong not letting them get to me..fcuk that bitch(: - Grow more confidence. - Less procasination. - Find out what i want to be when i grow up. - 75 average 8) LOL . - Go fishing/camping LOL. - Go horseback riding. - Do one thing that i fear. - Go back to playing piano, and teaching myself guitar. - Walking away high up. - Making a gift for a special someone. - Develop pictures and place them around my room. - Be more thankful what i have, then asking for more. - To have hope, for that one wish. - Tell the guy that i like, that i do.
Now i know that im not gonna accomplish all of these, but im just hoping that i can or atleast accomplish half of them. It will be a really big step if i did accomplish all of them. Some of these are the hardest thing for me to do, and everyday i struggle to do atleast one of them. If i can't for this following year, theres always next year. Atleast i can say i attempt to try.
ANGERANGERANGER . Blogging is a place to relieve good anger and stress (: HA HAPPY NEW YEARS BITCH, watch da fuck out (: espically for you , next year :D.
your call
Tuesday night , so bored . Instead of hmwking, ill blog so much funnier LOL . Right now , on the phone with anne and shanice yeee (H) . Didn't do much todaay, WAS PLANNING TO START MY HMWK TODAY BUT .. you knoww, theres somthing call procasination took over . Ommgg , LOL . I have to do my math hmwk, and then do my gym cpt =/. AHHHHH i don't wanna do itt ! Anyways , enough abouut school work .. new years is coming up in a couple of days (: LOL YAAAY , 2010= new year = NEW RESOLUTION . I have a couple in my mind right now acutally ahaha. Party @ ma base on thursday, im hoping this new year's was better then last year (yn). Last year, soo gaay! During countdown parents were sleepingg , sister was somewhere in the world.. soo basically just myself LOL. I KNOW RIGHT ? GAAY RIGHT ? im a loserr ahaha. Anywayss kinda wanna go back to school to see everyone, i miss everyone <3 ESPICALLYYY ... secret :) LOL . But defaintly not looking forward to the hmwk loadd , since its cpt time and then like 3 weeks its exams =/ omg. LOL oh well , soft sechdule . Kaay im gonna get back into the phone conversation because i don't know what the fuck there talking about right now LOL soo lost . anywayss , blog later (Y) a.cao
What is the meaning of life/love/friendship?
"Our talents are the gift that God gives to us... What we make of our talents is our gift back to God." "Leo Buscaglia"
"Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow" Unknown writer
"Happiness will fail to come to those who don't appreciate what they already have" Unknown writer
"In three words, i can sum up what i learn about life. It goes on" Robert Frost
"One day your life will flash you eyes, make sure its worth watching" Unknown writer
"There is only one happiness in life, to be loved and to love. George Sand
"Life can only be understood backwards, but must live forward" Soren Kierkegaard
"Where there is love, there is life" Mahatma Gandhi
"Words are easy, like the wind.. but faithful friends are hard to find" Williams Shakespeare
"Be not afraid of going slowly, be afriad of standing still" Chinses proverb
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world" Mahatma Gandhi
"Nothing in life is to be fear, everything is to be understood" Marie Curie
 So today is Christmas ! woot woot :). The day jesus christ was born. Suppose to be cleaning right now, but need a break.. some christmas ! So todaay , got big planss todaay man. First, i gotta remeber to say merry christmas to everyonee!After cleaning and everything, some family friends are visiting ma pops. Which reminds me.. gotta give him my christmas gift to him before they come :D. After gotta, get ready go to toronto.. go to church cause my sister is singing? LOL , thats probably gonna be like 2 hours right derr. After church, go to cousins house and party. (: Gotta remeber today is Jesus's birthday ! Most important day of the year :). Ahh, all thats running through my head right now, is how the hell im i going to finish my gym cpt and other hmwk LOL . SOOOO SLACKING . I could do it now , but nawww (: . Can't do it today, can't do it tomorrow.. out shopping all day :) , can't do it sunday.. party, can't do it monday.. going shopping again with anne and them (: , can't do it tuesday .. got more plans..so right now the only free days are wednesday,thursday.. since friday is new years, and saturday a party again i think ? and sunday.. OHHHHH CRAAAP . sigh, LOL oh well. Ahh lets not think about this todaay , maybe tomorrow.. orr.. never . :D OH SHIT , doorbell.. which means there here D: craaaap ! Can't give daddy his gift yet D: , and gotta go saay hiiiiii ! a.cao <3
Came back from nam's christmas party awhile ago , which was fun (: he has a very nice house btw LOOL . anywayss , its almost christmas (: soo exciting. aahhh , soo tiredd friggen 12:48 am LOL . don't wanna sleep though , but just thinking . im thankful to have all the people i have in my life . even the haters ? sure why not LOL . i love theemm , they make my life today (: . I'm thankful for the people who made me who i am todaaay . They all did it in different waays , which is special rightt ? li dont know where im going with this , but thanks man :D For everyone in maaa life todaaaay , good night sir.
I supposed
HI BLOGGGGER (: . Haven't blog in a while, forgot about it LOL . anywaysss .. borreeeeed christmas breakk whooooo ! christmas break been hellaa fun . no school(: yaaay , just cpt's to doo . ohh well exciting right ? weellll , have nothing to write about. anywayss , gonna go and get ready to anne's house then too nam's christmas party (: woot woot :D laterr <3 a.cao
Creation <3
 So yesterday morning, i woke up and the sun was soo bright, shining through my window. It was a saturday morning, yee trying to sleep in alright but couldn't caaausee the sun was soo friggen bright . SO i was still soo tired, it was like what 8 in the morning? So got out of bed and i was gonna close the drapes or w/e you call them LOL , but then when i look out the window, it was so pretty :) The only reason why the sun was so bright because it was reflecting of the snow, right through my window. I stared at it for like 2 mins but then my eyes started hurting, so fucking birght LOL . One of the reasons why i like winter.. its cause of snow. Snow gives a better look :) It gave my room such a bright colour. Nice creation God made right ? :) I liked the new weather, espically how the sun was brighter due to the snow. But then it ovbisouly didn't last, like atleast 10 mins later the sun dissappear behind a bunch of clouds :( . It was nice while it lasted though <3 a.cao
A walk to remeber.
 (L) Landon:"Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful."
Landon:Are you scared? Jamie:To death.. Jamie:"lighten up" Landon:"Thats not funny. Jamie:"Im scared of not being with you" Landon:"Oh baby, that will never happen... I'll be here."
Landon:"I'm sorry she never got her miracle" Reverned Sullivan:"she did, it was you"
Landon:"Jamie i love you" Landon:"Now would be the time to say somthing" Jamie"I told you not to fall in love with me"
By post:
okay focus time !
Up up and away :D
By month:
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger
AnnCao|October 8 1994|Sophmore|D'youville|Vietnamese|GOD <3|
Actions speak louder then words
Music&Photography is everything
No where near perfect sucks :)